British Values

Manor Primary prides itself on the implementation of British values throughout the school. Fundamental British values are woven into our curriculum. Not only do we respect British values and believe in them, we actively promote them across the school.

We strive to ensure that our children develop a strong sense of understanding about our country and the values that we hold dear.  Our values of respect, exceptionality, integrity and collaboration are intertwined with the British values to ensure a safe and stimulating environment in which to learn.

At Manor our children are encouraged to explore and develop whilst applying the key principles outlined in our British values statement. We have constructed a bespoke curriculum based on topics that will excite and engage our children. Our curriculum provides an opportunity to integrate British values into each child's learning and how best to apply these to real-life contexts.


All children have the opportunity to make choices, they are encouraged to reflect upon their choices and to express their opinions in the appropriate manner knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.

Our Pupil Voice (Pupil Leadership Team) work alongside our staff to ensure that the children’s voice is heard and has an impact on the day-to-day running of our school. The children discuss issues raised in class and suggest ideas for ways to improve aspects of their school experience.

At the beginning of each school year the children in each class will develop an understanding of the high expectations derived from our values; they will also have an impact on the class expectations they want to see upheld across the year. These rules are fairly demonstrated and applied to emphasise how our choices affect our lives and futures.

Examples of democracy in action in our school:

The Rule of Law

At Manor, our school rules are the fair code that we expect all children and staff to follow. The rules are consistently enforced and reinforced, and through this we demonstrate the need for respect and reciprocity in our school.

In class lessons and assemblies pupils are reminded of the need for structure and the positive impact the rules have on our learning and personal development. This helps us to extend the thinking of our students to wider and more relevant national questions about the enforcement of laws, the fairness of the law and the way the Rule of Law has helped shape our society.

Our reflective behaviour policy enables children to work within a framework of expectations and manage these. We encourage the students to understand fairness and equality within the law, ensuring that they understand the moral implications of actions and paths chosen.

Examples of Rule of Law in action in our school:

Individual Liberty

At Manor, we are proud of all of our students and recognise that each is unique; through collaboration and celebration of our differences we are able to achieve wonderful things and the students are encouraged to demonstrate their many wonderful talents without fear or compromise.  Many aspects of the Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum and Citizenship cover these matters.

There are many occasions when pupils are encouraged and given the freedom to make choices within their lessons and in relation to their participation in extra-curricular learning opportunities. Community visits and PHSCE learning themes are just small ways that we provide children with opportunities to discuss their ideas, thoughts, feelings and understanding on all matters big and small.

Examples of Individual Liberty in action in our school:

Mutual Respect

Our children are part of a vibrant and diverse school where all cultures and personalities are valued. As one of our core values, respect, is fundamental to our ethos.

We as a school, celebrate multicultural Britain, and ensure that our children are aware of, and enthusiastic about, the incredible range of cultures and perspectives that shape our local community. Our staff are encouraged to model this value to the highest degree, for the benefit of the children and wider community.

Our curriculum is embedded with opportunities to admire and learn from different voices and viewpoints, and our assemblies and pastoral work is tireless in its approach to instilling respect amongst our school community.

Tolerance of those with different Faiths and Beliefs

We promote and celebrate diversity with our children, helping them to understand their place in our society and how they can collaborate with others to build a progressive and understanding tomorrow.

Issues such as bullying, racism, gender inequality, tolerance, respect and prejudice are all discussed through lessons and assemblies. Throughout our curriculum, children have opportunities to learn about and experience different cultures, from something as simple as getting a flavour of different cultures through food and dance, to an in depth exploration of different religions and societal groups. 

Examples of Mutual Respect & tolerance of those with different faiths & beliefs  in action in our school:

Manor Primary actively challenge pupils, staff, parents, carers and other stakeholders who express opinions contrary to the fundamental British values detailed here, including any “extremist” views.

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Manor Primary

Ettingshall Road, Coseley,
West Midlands WV14 9UQ
Telephone: 01902 556460