Our Core Strengths


We champion them, challenge them, engage them; believe in them; respect them and inspire them so they can be the best they can be, enable them to find their wings and fly………

A passionate team dedicated to improve every child’s life

The people at our school are key to its success. Every member of the staff has a contagious enthusiasm for excellence. They are passionate about delivering the highest standard of education to the children. Each of them champion, engage, believe and inspire every single child. They are all committed to continual improvement and development and are fully supported to achieve this aim.

The glue that binds the staff together is the Leadership team. The visionary leadership of Anita (CEO); Julie (Headteacher) Kully and Ang (Deputies) and all the senior staff whose ideas, energy and singular pursuit of creating an unrivalled learning environment and world class education  for the pupils of Manor inspires everyone.

Everyone works together towards achieving our goals

Everyone in our school community – staff, pupils and parents/guardians are compelled to contribute positively to the school. This collective and positive collaboration creates a powerful sense of purpose and a tight knit, caring, family atmosphere.

Every child is respected, valued and cared for, irrespective of race, faith or gender. Mutual and self-respect create high standards of discipline and are fundamental to Manor’s success. We expect the highest standards of behaviour, and bullying and other unacceptable behaviour is almost unheard of because it is generally self or peer regulated. The pupils care deeply about each other and are prepared to stand up and help each other both in terms of physically protecting their peers and in helping them with their school work. 

Facing challenges head on with honesty and integrity

We care for all children irrespective of their stating points, character traits and background, no matter how challenging. We continually strive to ensure that every child progresses and achieves their personal targets. Problems may present themselves throughout the school years. There may be behavioural problems or difficulties as a result of external factors.These can have a negative effect on the pupil’s development but rather than let barriers hinder a child’s progress we tackle them head on. If necessary we partner with other agencies, but whatever route we take, we always approach every problem with an honesty and integrity that allows everyone involved to know where they stand and find a suitable practical solution.

We are totally accessible and nothing is ever left unsaid 

Clear communication is key to creating a united school community with everyone pulling in the same direction. If anyone within our community believes that they are not being fully informed on any issues that affect them, then trust we have worked so had to build up quickly breaks down.

Our culture is total transparent – nothing is hidden – exercise books are openly on display in the classrooms; reports are continuously provided to parents; and the staff are readily available and accessible to discuss any school matter. This manifests itself in practical terms every school day – a member of the senior management team can always be seen at the school gate chatting to parents!

Failure is never criticised just used as a tool to learn and improve

Fear of failure limits free creative thinking; so we instil our children with the belief that it is better to try and fail than never to try at all. This leads to a more open way of thinking; positively encourages creative thought and freedom of expression as a means of learning and personal development. Encouraging confidence in exploring and voicing ideas and thoughts instils self-belief and self-confidence in our pupils. 

Without the fear of failure, when a question is asked in class, a sea of hands are thrust into the air – everyone in the class is eager to participate. If when asked the question, the answer slips from mind, there’s no embarrassment or shame, just the cry of “Phone a friend!” and another pupil offers a response. 

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Manor Primary

Ettingshall Road, Coseley,
West Midlands WV14 9UQ
Telephone: 01902 556460