We are Proud of The
Standards we Achieve and….
At Manor we believe that all children can achieve the highest academic standards at the same time as enjoying a rich, rewarding and challenging curriculum which focuses on themselves as individuals, developing their character and helping them develop their skills, talents and interests that will open up opportunities to them in the wider world. For us, academic excellence is a given but Manor Primary is about so much more, offering a richness of experience that inspires and enthuses them throughout the time our children spend with us.
Following the Pandemic whilst all statutory assessments and tests for primary school pupils were carried out in Summer 2022, there is no statutory requirement to publish data for the Academic year 2022.
Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, and the unprecedented cancellation of all statutory assessments and tests for Primary School pupils in Summer 2021, there will be no performance data available to publish on our School website for the 2020/21 Academic Year. For the same reason The Government will not be publishing any educational performance data based on tests, or assessments for 2021. Please refer to the latest information on our website for 2019 performance, or the DFE website https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk for performance tables for Summer 2019.
Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, and the unprecedented cancellation of all statutory assessments and tests for Primary School pupils in Summer 2020, there will be no performance data available to publish on our School website for the 2019/20 Academic Year. For the same reason The Government will not be publishing any educational performance data based on tests, or assessments for 2020. Please refer to the latest information on our website for 2019 performance, or the DFE website https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk for performance tables for Summer 2019.