Remote Learning

DFE guidance states that schools should “Develop remote education so that it is integrated into school curriculum planning: Remote education may need to be an essential component in the delivery of the school curriculum for some pupils, alongside classroom teaching, or in the case of a local lockdown. All schools are therefore expected to plan to ensure any pupils educated at home for some of the time are given the support they need to master the curriculum and so make good progress.”

In the event of any form of isolation and loss of learning caused by Coronavirus, parents/carers should understand that engagement in remote home education is now compulsory, as is the expectation that our school makes this provision available and accessible. However, it is important to note that if your child(ren) are themselves too ill then they should not be expected to engage in remote home education until they are feeling better. 

At Manor Primary School we have implemented research from the Educational Endowment Foundation as the basis for our approach to remote learning

When implementing strategies to support pupils’ remote learning, or supporting parents to do this, key things to consider include:

Teaching quality is more important than how lessons are delivered
Ensuring access to technology is key, especially for disadvantaged pupils
Peer interactions can provide motivation and improve learning outcomes
Supporting pupils to work independently can improve learning outcomes
Different approaches to remote learning suit different types of content and pupils
The school has adopted a Tiered Approach:
Children on transition back into school to support re-integration (blended package)

Stage 1 -  Individual child self-isolating
Stage 2 - Bubble closure/year group
Stage 3 - Whole school closure

Educational Endowment Foundation- Evidence on remote learning

In our recent survey with parents, here's what you said about our remote learning and our online lessons.

“We are so proud of all the teaching staff at Manor Primary School for providing such a great support for all the children in this pandemic. Staff have done a tremendous job in engaging both young and older children with such great passion, expertise and outstanding online teaching. They have provided a range of great learning and motivational engagement for our child. She looks forward to see her teachers and friends every day and is able to share her feelings as she misses them so much. These online lessons provide a great platform for my child to stay in touch with school learning and also have a conversation with teachers.”

“My daughter really enjoys being able to see her teacher and her classmates. The sense of normal school routine has also been very positive.”  Year 6 parent

“My child enjoys the fact she still feels part of the lesson and they are learning all together as part of a class. She can ask for help from the teacher but can also listen to other children’s ideas.” Year 5 parent

“I still enjoy seeing my teachers, I like the support from all my teachers and its good we still have the same style of learning that we have when we are at school so we still have a structure”. Year 4 pupil

“My child can see his teacher and when he needs help or doesn't understand he is able to ask for help and to have it explained to him.”  Year 3 parent

“My daughter enjoys interacting with her teacher and seeing/hearing her friends. Also, she loves having a fixed schedule as it is just like going to school.” Year 2 parent

“Seeing his teachers and friends. It helps give him a more normal routine which is so much better for him” Year 1 parent

“Seeing the staff is invaluable especially at this young age. My son’s teachers are extremely welcoming and positive about the learning and this rubs off on the children.” Reception Parent

“She is able to see her teacher and her friends. She keeps in touch with all of them & she is so excited about all the learning. You provide a routine and stability, a huge thank you to all the teachers making this possible in this unpredictable times.” Nursery Parent

Wellbeing at Home:
During these uncertain times, the health and wellbeing of our pupils is a top priority.
Here are some helpful resources:


Mentally Healthy Schools

Anna Freud – Mentally Healthy Schools

BBC Newsround – Mental Health Videos

Young Minds

Good Mental Health for Life

Our Online Resources / Links



Oxford Reading Buddy


Accelerated Reader

Education City

Oxford Owl

Active Learn

BBC Bitesize


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Manor Primary

Ettingshall Road, Coseley,
West Midlands WV14 9UQ
Telephone: 01902 556460