
Online Safety Workshop

Online Safety Workshop

Published on:March 17th 2017

How safe are you online? 

#, Like, follow, retweet, regram…

Social media is a great tool for communicating with others and keeping up to date with news as it happens! But how safe are your children’s personal accounts and are you doing everything you should be to protect your children from some of the dangers that the online world can present them with?

On Friday 24th March we will be holding an Online Safety workshop for parents of children in years 4, 5, and 6. 

It will be a great opportunity to find out a little more about why it is so important that we monitor what our children are looking at online and will provide you with some useful websites and tools that can be used to ensure that all sites that our children are using are completely safe and secure. 

The workshop will begin at 2.45pm in the school hall.  If you would like to attend and have not yet returned your reply slip, then please just let your child’s class teacher know that you will be coming. 


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Manor Primary

Ettingshall Road, Coseley,
West Midlands WV14 9UQ
Telephone: 01902 556460