
English is the vehicle that drives teaching and learning across the curriculum. At Manor Primary School, we are committed to the excellence in English both as a subject in its own right and through the development of the key skills of: reading, writing and oracy that permeate the curriculum. Our core aim is to enable every child to read with fluency, understanding and enjoyment and to communicate effectively both orally and in written form for a variety of purposes and audiences whilst developing an understanding of grammar, punctuation and spelling.

The planning of English at Manor Primary School follows the statutory requirements for the teaching and learning of English as set out in The National Curriculum, 2014 and the EYFS Statutory Framework, 2021. We aim for exceptionality by having a clear learning journey across a week through a structured approach that starts with a high quality model text leading to a written outcome.

READING: We are committed to teaching with fidelity to a Systematic Synthetic Phonics Programme and Floppy’s Phonics is taught rigorously and consistently from Nursery onwards to ensure all children become fluent readers. To build their confidence, children have access to fully decodable texts that match our SSP programme. Children are encouraged to read for enjoyment through exposure to a wide range of age-appropriate high-quality texts, including fiction, non-fiction and poetry. During English lessons they have the opportunity to build their fluency and understanding as readers by reading, deconstructing and engaging with a text through questioning and learning opportunities that deepen their understanding of the written word. Texts are selected to evoke curiosity, help children identify with who they are, build their vocabulary and cultural capital and to provide a model for their own writing.

WRITING: Children begin their writing journey in EYFS developing early skills in handwriting, spelling, punctuation, grammar and composition and an understanding of audience and purpose. These foundations are built upon in KS1 and KS2 through teaching and learning opportunities as part of the journey of English. Children have opportunities to write in a range of genres and for a variety of audiences and purposes. In response to texts they have read, they develop their understanding of grammar, punctuation, spelling and vocabulary and are encouraged to use them both accurately and for effect. As writers, they have opportunities to develop an awareness of audience and language and to engage in the process of writing from oral rehearsal, drafting, proofreading and editing.

ORACY: Spoken language is central to a child’s development across the whole curriculum and underpins the development of reading and writing. At Manor Primary School we are committed to all children being confident and articulate communicators through the use of spoken language. We role model the use of Standard English, whilst recognising the value of dialect and colloquialism, as the quality and variety of language that pupils hear and speak are vital for developing their vocabulary and grammar. Children are given opportunities to rehearse their ideas orally in order to develop clarity and confidence. Through discussions with their peers and teachers they are able to vocalise their thoughts, develop their ideas and to become active listeners who make appropriate responses to others by varying their use of language, tone and register. Children also have opportunities to develop their oracy skills through dramatic and theatrical performance by taking on roles, improvisation and scripting drama.

The key skills of English, reading, writing and oracy, prepare, equip and enable all our children to succeed outside the classroom and beyond the primary years.

Showcasing Exceptionality in English

This term we have been developing our skills as writers in response to a range of genres across the school.


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Manor Primary

Ettingshall Road, Coseley,
West Midlands WV14 9UQ
Telephone: 01902 556460